Wednesday 24 February 2016

            Dead End Date

I'm likely to blow my date because I got a bit of gas. Her dating profile said that she was a dancer and a swimmer, and I am a bit introverted.  A FEW HOURS LATER.  Scared all most petrified walking into the restaurant when I see her sitting at the table wearing a mint green dress. She looked beautiful with her blond hair and I started drooling and then a sharp thorn of fear shot up and I quickly ran to the mens room. " I can do this " I say over and over again but when my fear is gone I go back but she has vanished . "Great I blew it, again" I say all most crying.


  1. I really like your story! You have good word choices. Also it is swimming not swimmer.

  2. Very creative idea for your story this week. Your opening sentences really hooks the readers attention. Well done. You really get a sense of the emotions running through the character in your story. You have spent time this week polishing your writing by revising and editing. Keep it up.
